Blogger Tips
Tips to create your Blogger Account
Access http://www.blogger.com
You can always select the language at the top of the main page. We suggest you choose English; otherwise, your icons will have different names.
You can choose to Create a Blog or to Take a Tour (in this case, you can stop the tour at any moment by clicking on Create a Blog).
Since Blogger has been acquired by Google, you need a Google account to sign in. If you don't have Google account, click on Create a Blog and fill in the form to create one. You'll need to enter an existing e-mail address and a password.
The second step is to create a title for your blog and a URL (blog address).
Since Blogger is a very popular blog host, many usernames and URLs have already been taken. Try different usernames and URLs until you find one that is available.
When you create your account, Blogger will also guide you to create your first blog.
Your blog will only be visible to others if has at least one post. If you choose to write your post now, remember that you can always edit it later.
You can use the same username and password to comment on other people’s blogs.
You can have many blogs in the same Blogger account. If you build a new blog, it will have a new URL.
The Blogging Team
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